Bad Art Presents Trash - a group exhibition of contemporary artists who have created work for the purpose of its own destruction.

19th June 2024


Slade Woburn WC1H 0NS

Trash seeks to protest art as an imperishable, precious institution, focusing more on the transient and experiential. The artwork will be destroyed over the course of the evening, introducing, chance, chaos, sugar, spice and everything (not) nice into its fate. When is the show complete? Is it before, during or after the destruction?

With Trash, we are questioning and transforming the fundamental condition of how modern art functions – namely, the radical separation of artists and their publics.

We are seeking visual art, sound, performances, rituals, activities, games, stories, actions or anything you feel fits the theme that involves some sort of break down in order to realise something greater.

This Bad Art will have a series of sequential time slots for work so it is more suited to pieces which have a rough time frame, although durational works will be considered.

We want this to be as hands-on as possible, so works that involve audience participation are highly encouraged.

We would like to avoid anything super hazardous but if your proposal includes safety precautions then please send it our way.

If you would like to propose a piece for Trash please email with detailed specs or fill out the form below before.

Submission deadline midnight 8th of June

If you are an artist in need of support in order to realise your vision, be it creative, mental or financial please state so in your proposal and the Bad Art collective will try and help you as much as possible. Please note we cannot pay an artists fee for participating.

Submitting work is free, as is attending, however, this is a ticketed event. There is an option to reserve a ticket + donation. All donations and money earned through Trash will be donated to accessibility focused charities, aiming to create more inclusive spaces within art institutions.

Reserve Tickets Here

If you have accessibility requirements please get in touch

Installation by Oscar Farmer

Contact Us

Please complete the form if you wish to submit work for Trash